

  Simple helicoidal
  Cuadrifilar helix
  VOR balloon
  VLF/ELF Loop

  Antennas sites

Antenna links

This site has an incredible amount of links to anything electronic. Just antenna links occupy several pages!
The antenna section

Cebik's pages
A collection of antennas for receiving (and transmitting) signals in the commercial (broadcast) bands.

How to make an FM antenna
Simple instructions to make an FM-band reception antena. Modifying the dimensions, it is possible to adapt this for television

Links to lots of pages about antenas
Note that this site is not visible from most of South America, as connections from this area are selectively blocked!

Antennas - Links from ON7PC
Note that this site is not visible from most of South America, as connections from this area are selectively blocked!

NEC programs for antenna analysis
The NEC code is probably the oldest of antenna programs - but still very much alive. Most of the modern antenna programs are still based on this same code.

Specific links for helix antennas

Specific links for quadrifilar helix antennas (QFH or QHA)
(c) John Coppens ON6JC/LW3HAZ mail