Construcción pictures of Facundo Rivas' kayak.
Facundo sent me the following pictures of his work:
Starting the project - setting up the wood plaques...

... to do the scarping. |
One of the unions.

Them, apply the drawing. |
The cutouts, with the center of the deck already stitched

...and here together with the sides. |
The copper wire stitchwork.

The two bulkheads. |
The bulkheads mounted with the deck strips.

The corners filled in with epoxy, and the interior painted. |
Side view.

The bow... |
... and stern.

Complete view of the bottom. |
Laminated arch as a reinforcement behind the cockpit.

Applying the resin. |
More epoxy...

... and still more. |
The last details.

And then, finally, to the water...! |
First contact...

with a very smooth surface... |
And then the night set in.
Note on the selection of epoxy
Facundo's note: "It would be importante to emphasize that the
resin I used is ideal for glueing and laminating, and can also be
used as putty, but it is not the right choice for impregnating
the glassfibre, even though with some extra work I was able to
apply it anyway."
My note (John): Just to explain the previous: Facundo sent me the
data of a company (Nobile) which sells a nice selection of epoxies, and the curing times are
actually better suited for kayak construction than my sources.
It is necessary to select the right resin though. The 1040
announced at the top of their page is the one Facundo is talking
about (1040). It probably has additives (fillers) to make the
use in the intended applications easier (this probably accounts
for the lower price too). To impregnate glassfibre cloth,
the one marked RPL is probably the correct choice. If in doubt,
consult the seller.
(c) John Coppens ON6JC/LW3HAZ |
mail |