Marcelo published his construction images on this site. With his permission, I re-publshed slightly smaller images on
this page. Congratulations to the entire team! And thanks to the
radioclub for 'loaning' their instalations.
The initial steps - cutting the panels
... and making the initial stitches.
Deck and hull, separated only by the wires.
... from farther away.
Closing the bow - the most impressive moment!
Deck and hull closed. The separation for the future cockpit visible.
Finishing the last details of the cockpit
with the help of several assistents
Applying the fibre glass,
and the resin.
and varnish, and the boat is ready for the water...
One finished kayak!
Mmmm, it doesn't fit in the pool...
so we'll have to go elsewhere...
Still not entirely confident, a very quiet afternoon on the La Plata river