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Beacon list - Legend

Description of the table columns:

Column Unit Description
Location of the transmitter - Normally Country/City
Chirpref s Reference time (G3PLX system) of the first transmission, in seconds
Latitude °N Latitude of the beacon in degrees North (South is negative)
Longitude °E Longitude of the beacon in degrees East (West is negative)
Identification. The digisondes receive an identification on installation (nothing to do with the classic prefixes).
This is just a unique number of this database entry (in order of data entry), to be able to reference an incomplete data line (e.g. if the beacon hasn't been identified yet)
Period s Repetition period of the transmission, in seconds
Scan speed kHz/s Scan speed of the beacon, in kHz per second
Drift ms/day Displacement of the reference time of the beacon, in milliseconds/day, if the beacon is not GPS controlled.
Delay ms Propagation time from the beacon to the coordinates entered (probably those of your location). Two values are shown, one for short path, the other for long path. Both are calculated for a round-the-world (RTW) time of 138.5 ms
Real chirp s Real chirp reference time as measured by one of the participating stations. This can differ from the official time, if the beacon is not GPS controlled. In that case, it will probably also vary!
Brand and model of the beacon transmitter, if known.
Potencia W Transmitter power, in Watt
If the beacon is part of a group, the name of the system it belongs to
Flag indicating if this is a classic ionosonde or a digital digisonde (not easily received)
Flag indicating if the beacon is capable of transmitting messages in FSK on top of the carrier (ChirpCom system, variations of 2.5 ms)
Marks if this is a backscatter radar. If so, don't trust the start time, which can vary day by day.
Flags if the beacon is controlled by GPS or not

(c) John Coppens ON6JC/LW3HAZ mail