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Software links

Links to software

Large Linux software archives

The world's largest free software development site. Around 80000 - eighty thousand - projects are hosted here, in different stages of development. It's nearly impossible not to find what you need. And you can help the authors with their development in many ways!

This is a sister site of SourceForge (above), which specializes in announcement of released software packages for *nix platforms, such as Linux, Solaris, etc. Around 40000 packages are registered. No Windows packages here.

A very well-maintained and up-to-date Gnome-oriented (but not exclusive) software index.

For people who believe in graphic interfaces for everything (which I do not), this site catalogs programs in 6 main categories, then subdivides them.

This is a 'daughter'-site of gnu.org, and hosts many (about 9000?) development projects. It is similarly intended as Sourceforge, but completely ad-free. In my opinion, slightly less appetizing because of a policy on (too-) simple HTML. That does not make the projects less valid! It's just more difficult to convince the users using plain old static HTML.

An announcement site with similar intentions as Freshmeat - though much more advertisements. This site also hosts more than 40000 programs, but these are mainly Windows, and many of them are are shareware.
A big problem with TUCOWS is that programs are updated according to payments. So, commercial programs (which spend money at TUCOWS) are more recently updated than shareware, or, even slower, open software which does not have the funds. Last time I checked, waiting times for more than 180(!) days were normal for non-paying programs to be updated.
(c) John Coppens ON6JC/LW3HAZ mail