Just a nice page header



Pascal FC 2


2011/04/25 v0.7.9
	- Added test for vte > 0.25.0, necessary because of the VTE_PTY_DEFAULT
	  symbol not being available in previous versions.
	- If started for the first time (no previous versions), a segmentation
	  fault ocurred when selecting 'New' or 'Open'.
	  (Thanks to Sebastián Aguado for reporting this!)
	- Any file specified on the command line was ignored too.
	- If no previous file had been specified (first use), the 
	  saved window dimensions are ignored too? Changed sizing
	  to gtk_window_resize() instead of gtk_window_set_default_size().
2011/04/22 v0.7.8
	- Updated the Spanish translation.
2011/04/21 v0.7.7
	- vte_terminal_fork_command needs shell command in argv.
	- Help|About dialog added.
	- Set a custom prompt in terminal.
2011/04/20 v0.7.6
	- Reorganized tab creation to allow multiple tabs. Each editor tab
	  now has a struct indicating filename, and changed status.
	- The run_file_dialog now actually uses the title parameter
	  (instead of always putting 'Open file')
	- The tool buttons for running now call the corresponding
	  callbacks for the menu items.
	- Moved opening of a default file to the MainWindow_realize
	- Changed nane of run_file_dialog to filename_selected.
	- File|New now starts with a 'New file' name, and doesn't open
	  the file dialog.
	- Save as... doesn't get disable anymore. 
2010/10/22 v0.7.4
2010/10/22 v0.7.4x (version for GtkSourceView < 2.9.1)
	- Enabled the 'Stop' tool button and menu item.
	- Enabled the 'Run (fair mode)' and 'Run (unfair mode)' menu items.
	- Enabled F8 (compile), F9 (Run fair), Alt-F9 (Run unfair) and
	  F6 (Stop) keyboard shortcuts.
	- Stop action returns to Editor tab.
2010/10/19 v0.7.3
2010/10/19 v0.7.3x (version for GtkSourceView < 2.9.1)
	- Added a test for GtkSourceView > 2.9.1 (GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_LEADING
          was added in that version (A year ago! And it is difficult to find
          RPMs for that version).
2010/10/19 v0.7.2
	- Added an include for stdlib.h in main.c (necessary for optind())
2010/10/14 v0.7
	- Added 'Listing' tab to notebook. To be able to show the listing,
	  it was necessary to remove the accented characters in pfc2/pfc2int
	  else the textbuffer would not accept the utf-8 coding.
	- Exiting now checks if the editor file was modified.
	- Automatic switching from Editor to Terminal tab when running
	- Prevision for fair and unfair execution of pfc2int
	- Added 'leading space' marking option in preferences
	- Moved from confmgr2 to confmgr3, now using the gconf system instead
	  of gnome config (deprecated). Modified confmgr3 to allow definition
	  of non-visible fields.
	- Modified behaviour of confmgr3 for checkbutton bit fields: the
	  caller now specifies a bit mask (as opposed to bit nr as before).
	- Added CDEF_STRING to confmgr3 to load/save non-visible strings.
	- Removed all (I hope) references to the gnome application mode
	- Added Spanish translation
	- Disable/enable Save button (and menu item) according to the 'changed'
	  status of the editor buffer.
	- Added loading and saving of the program status.
	- Added a ok_cancel_save_dialog to utils.c
	- Changed pref.ed_drawspaces to int to make it compatible with
	  confmgr3 changes.
	- First public release
2010/09/13 v0.6
	- Replaced gtk_source_view_set_mark_category_pixbuf (deprecated)
	  by gtk_source_view_set_mark_category_icon_from_pixbuf in gui.c
	- Added load_program_state() in main. This should stop the 
	  warning assertions that 'Filename != NULL'. Will add 
	  save_program_state() in some places later.
	- Save main window width and height in state.
	- Added save_program_state() in Files|Quit
2010/04/01 v0.5
	- Added Open/Save/New buttons to the toolbar
2010/03/31 v0.4
	- Can specify the name of a file to open on the command line
	- Change the expand/fill flags of the toolbar
	- Modified layout of Preferences dialog
	- Modified the Confmgr, to handle combobox selections as CHAR,
	  and to accept sets of Checkbuttons which combine in an INT.
	  (The .misc field in the table defines the mask to be applied)
2010/03/23 v0.3
	- Added Save and Save as menu options
2010/03/23 v0.2
	- Added preferences (setting editor colors doesn't work yet)
2010/03/10 v0.1
	- First version, implemented GtkSourceView and VTE windows
	- Can load files (not save!)
(c) John Coppens ON6JC/LW3HAZ mail