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Solar activity

On this page: - Graphs - Pictures - Effect on F2 - Long distance

Radio - Propagation - Solar activity

Solar activity Factor I - period from 22/09/1999 till 06/06/2002

Solar activity Factor I - period from 22/09/1999 till 06/06/2002
Source: OH2AQ and others. (plots by ON6JC/LW3HAZ)

Recent solar activity - Number of sunspots and annual mean number of spots.

Historical sun activity - Number of sunspots and annual mean number of spots.
Source of this information: Royal Observatory of Belgium

Solar images

At solar maximum

Visible light

Electromagnetic radiation
Now (2009/03/18)

Visible light

Electromagnetic radiation

Change of F2 propagation in last solar cycle

Animation of the maximum usable frequency during the last solar cycle, each time on the same day of the year (March 2nd).

Long distance effects, and suicide comet

A picture with the actual sun obscured artificially, to better observe the long distance radiation effects. The comet attracted to the sun's gravity didn't make it this time - it orbited the sun for many years.

(c) John Coppens ON6JC/LW3HAZ mail