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      G3PLX Project


G3PLX system

G0TJZ system


Passive Ionospheric Sounding and Ranging - The G3PLX System


Peter's Phase II software 'evmchirp' contains the following files:

The PC Windows executable file
The EVM executable, which can be automatically downloaded by the PC.
The Windows Help file for the system. This includes all the setup information and the required hardware connections.

Download Version Size Comments
evmchirp.zip 1.0 192 kB 16 bit version of poslines (should run on any Windows from 3.1 on).
evmchirp-1.zip 1.? 192 kB Updated version (2005)
All you need to do is download the zip file, and unzip it into a suitable directory on your PC. Run the Help file to find out where to go from there.

Poslines program

There is also a range plotting utility, (see table for download) which allows you to enter positions of receiving sites with their delay times, and will plot lines of equal delay on which the transmitter must lie. It will also plot antipodal circles from long path - short path differential delays. This software is ideal for locating unknown transmitters.

Download Version Size Comments
poslines-1.zip 1.0 157 kB 16 bit version of poslines (should run on any Windows from 3.1 on).
poslines-2_1.zip 2.1 270 kB 32 bit version of poslines, including a new zoom feature and, 3D projection.
poslines-2_3_1.zip 2.3.1 268 kB 32 bit version, with several improvements and bug-fixes.

Here's an example of poslines (version 1.xx) in action: signals measured at ON5UQ, and LW3HAZ, of vertical sounders in the U.S.

Here's an example of poslines (version 2.xx), running in the Wine emulator under Linux...

... and of its new 3D projection! (Running on Windows)

Copyright Murray Greenman and Peter Martinez, 1999 - 2003 mail