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      G3PLX Project
        G0TJZ system


  G3PLX system

  G0TJZ system


Passive Ionospheric Sounding and Ranging - The G0TJZ System

ChiprView Software

CVRel1.exe 730 kB The stable version. This is a self-extracting archive. Please note: ChirpView is freeware for amateur radio use only and comes with NO WARRANTY! Please back-up your system before using the software. You use it at your own risk.
The ChirpView website
Andrew's site with some information, latest version, and contact info.
Rxd_exe_101_beta.zip 329 kB This is the beta version of ChirpView. Please read the release notes before using it...
The Beta's webpage
The original site, with the latest version (which should be equal to the one on my site), and some release information.

Copyright Murray Greenman and Peter Martinez, 1999 - 2003 mail